Why We Chose These Foot Pegs for the #AfricaTwin
Author: Team Adventuremoto Date Posted:10 September 2018

Why We Chose These Footpegs and GPR Stabiliser!
The new Fastway Evolution AIR footpegs for the Honda Africa Twin are expertly crafted and made in the US. The billet work is carved out of a single piece of aluminium and broadens the stance of the Africa Twin. You don't want to go too broad on this bike, you just need the right footprint! The pins can be positioned to suit each individual's riding style and just screws in, giving more grip!
We love this GPR stabiliser because it's nice and slim. They fit under the handlebars and gives you extra stability, especially when you hit that pothole that you're least expecting. Great for riding in sand and gravel! Its super slim with one-handed operation so you can wind the stabiliser up and down when you're riding without fiddling with too many knobs!
With every $500 you spend at AdventureMoto, you'll earn yourself an entry into the draw to win the ULTIMATE Africa Twin, fully decked out with the best gear that we have to offer!